[A-132.27.388] - BETA Set 3,5V - BETA 200 Ophthalmoskop + BETA 200 F.O. Otoskop + BETA4 USB Ladegriff


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SKU S01106
  875,65 €
zzgl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
    SKU S01106
    Hersteller Heine
    Includes BETA 200 Ophthalmoscope, BETA 200 F.O. Otoscope with XHL, 1 set of reusable tips, 10 AllSpec disposable tips 4 mm Ø, one spare bulb each for XHL version, hard case
    Heine More Details [A-132.27.388] - BETA Set 3.5V - BETA 200 Ophthalmoscope + BETA 200 F.O. Otoscope + BETA4 USB Rechargeable Handle
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